Enright Cattle Company
Kara and Darold Enright, owners of Enright Cattle Company in Tweed, Ontario are fourth-generation farmers committed to community. They farm to feed their family, their neighbours and the community-at-large.
They take great care of their land and animals, ensuring they grow and thrive. And they take great pride in the the products they produce – exceptionally good food they can share with others.
They want the next generation to inherit productive soil, to understand the value of farming, to appreciate where their food comes from, and to continue feeding the community.
The Enrights feel a strong commitment to their community and take steps to reduce their impact. They continually look for new ways to manage water consumption and use technology to prevent waste every step of the way.
At Enright, nothing goes to waste, they use as much of their animals as possible. While beef is their main business, they sell bones for soup, make soap from fat, their offal goes into gourmet dog food and treats, and they craft gorgeous leather goods from the hides. Even the animals’ manure goes back into the fields as fertilizer.